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Consistency Challenge

I don't know about you, but after a wild year in 2020, I needed to hit the reset button. My word for the year is CONSISTENCY!!!

This past February I joined Mattie James #ConsistencyChallenge. This is my second go round with this challenge. The first time was the summer of 2020. I was so excited to join the challenge, but had no clue how to succeed at it. My goal was to grow my social media account by posting content consistently. After about 5 good days of posting content on my social media page, I found myself stuck. I had no more photos or fresh content to post. I failed because I had no real plans or goals attached to this challenge. I found myself being the complete opposite of consistent. After about two weeks, I just decided to drop out of the challenge all together.

This time around, when I heard the announcement, I knew what to expect. Although I was a bit unprepared, I was motivated to do my best. My goal was simple; post one Instagram post per day in order to build consistency on social media.

My plan was to create a habit through my consistency. In return, I hoped to increase my following and engagement on instagram as well as leading more readers to this blog.

I started by taking a few minutes each day to post on social media. I quickly learned that posting in the moment requires a lot of time and effort. Honey, the way that my life is set up, that is a challenge in itself. By the end of this week, I do plan to have scheduled out my content for the upcoming month.

While I am still in the process of narrowing down my niche (lifestyle? fashion/modeling? faith? all of the above?) I will be posting whatever comes to my heart. My focus right now is simply building consistency. As I focus on that, everything else will begin to fall in place. It's all about PROGRESS...not PERFERCTION!!

Planning my upcoming posts will allow me the time needed to write more blog posts, and create new content. My goal is to pump these bad boys out weekly for you to read, enjoy and be encouraged/inspired.

On the other hand, this challenge is not only helping me become consistent on my social media, but also in every other area of my life.

Building consistency and a routine is necessary for a free spirit like myself. I need lots of structure in order to achieve the goals I have set in place.

My days are typically busy from sun up to sun down. As a wife, mother, homeschool teacher, freelance model and business woman, (not to mention any extra curricular activities as well as church), I need to be as organized as humanly possible.

Although, I hold many titles and have much responsibility, there's no excuses to not being productive. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. In 2021, my focus is being more diligent over my time. If I want things to change, I have to do something different in order to make that happen. My unhealthy habits are what's holding me back from accomplishing my goals and living my dream.

SO, you may be thinking, what am I doing to implement this? I clearly understand that what I want to accomplish is going to take time. The small tweaks that I make daily are going to lead to bigger peaks.

To start, I've been staying up late to get some things checked off of my to do list. Since I can remember, I've been a night owl. Most nights, I would trade in a late night for an early bed time to connect with my husband, whose an early bird. He rises before sunrise and goes to bed fairly early. Whereas, I rise a few hours later, and fall asleep around or after midnight. I found that I'm most productive at night opposed to the day time. That could be due to the long laundry list of things to do during the day. My mind is typically focused on my family 90% of the time and what needs to be done for them. Staying up passed bedtime is helpful for me because, instead of waking up a couple of hours before the kids arise, I can get more uninterrupted hours in by staying up after they go to bed.

In this season, I'm doing whatever is necessary to get to the next level in every area of my life. The end of the first quarter is quickly approaching and I'm excited for the growth that has taken place already.

Applying CONSISTENCY will make 2021 my BEST year yet!!!

I hope you enjoyed this quick post. Stay tuned for a journey update.



Beauty is grace and confidence.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Hi, thanks for joining my journey!

As a Professional Model, Lifestyle Blogger and Content Creator, I hope to connect with you through my love for fashion, beauty, art, COFFEE. and more. I'm excited to share some of my life experiences as a woman of God, wife, mother, and entrepreneur. I promise to be transparent with you throughout this journey by not only sharing the good, but also the bad and the ugly. I aspire to encourage and inspire you along the way!!

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